JRuby Released
Monday, April 23 2018
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby
- Homepage: https://www.jruby.org/
- Download: https://www.jruby.org/download
JRuby 9.1.x is our current major version of JRuby. It is expected to be compatible with Ruby 2.3.x and stay in sync with C Ruby. JRuby is our latest releaseā¦
Major features of JRuby 9000:
- Ruby 2.x compatibility
- A new optimizing runtime based on a traditional compiler design
- New POSIX-friendly IO and Process
- Fully ported encoding/transcoding logic from MRI
If you do find issues then report them on using our issue tracker at https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues. We also encourage users to join our IRC channel (#jruby on Freenode) and mailing lists. You may also follow @jruby on Twitter for updates.
- Windows installer works with Java 9
- Improved compatiblity on Java 9/10
- 31 issues fixed for
Github Issues resolved for
- #5141 - Multiple Array#concat calls for single-element array throws ConcurrencyError
- #5138 - jruby > crashing on bundler when certain jvm flags are enabled
- #5137 - Use ConcurrentWeakHashMap for RubyClass.subclasses
- #5132 - Can't set `java.security.egd` system property
- #5131 - TypeError: bind argument must be an instance of ...
- #5128 - eval in Rack::Builder prints "warning: `frozen_string_literal' is ignored after any tokens"
- #5125 - Cannot subclass standard class Time
- #5120 - Dist target now fails
- #5115 - ConcurrentModification error during Tomcat startup
- #5112 - UDPSocket fails to bind to an IPv6 address unless AF_INET6 is explicitly set
- #5111 - NPE from within CoverageModule.convertCoverageToRuby
- #5104 - IRB doesn't start on jRuby
- #5100 - File.open() on Windows without binary flag reading 0x0A (newline) instead of 0x0D (return)
- #5099 - Exception.new.backtrace_locations should return nil
- #5091 - "Invalid extended option" error for legit `-X` options
- #5086 - RegexpError "invalid pattern in look-behind" for certain Regexps since
- #5084 - Error when installing on Windows 10 (64 Bit)
- #5081 - TCPSocket/UDPSocket close deadlock while other thread read
- #5080 - Method#owner for alias methods doesn't include prepended modules, breaking equality
- #5078 - Numeric#step yields Floats instead of Integers
- #5075 - File.utime failing with JRuby
- #5073 - File#mtime does not behave like it does in MRI in respect to renamed and deleted files on POSIX
- #5072 - update jffi and release version for JRuby 1.7
- #5066 - The & operator doesn't work with quoted symbols
- #5057 - java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true warning not possible to disable on OpenBSD
- #5018 - open3.rb broken in JRuby
- #4989 - Inconsistent end_of_day result
- #4894 - Is there a way to fail-fast on ambiguous arguments?
- #4796 - Possible ChannelFD leak in FilenoUtil?
- #2455 - red black tree 50% slower in 9k compared to 1.7
- #2354 - Java exceptions do not propagate out of Thread#join
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby
- Homepage: https://www.jruby.org/
- Download: https://www.jruby.org/download
JRuby 9.1.x is our current major version of JRuby. It is expected to be compatible with Ruby 2.3.x and stay in sync with C Ruby. JRuby is our latest releaseā¦
Major features of JRuby 9000:
- Ruby 2.x compatibility
- A new optimizing runtime based on a traditional compiler design
- New POSIX-friendly IO and Process
- Fully ported encoding/transcoding logic from MRI
If you do find issues then report them on using our issue tracker at https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues. We also encourage users to join our IRC channel (#jruby on Freenode) and mailing lists. You may also follow @jruby on Twitter for updates.
- Windows installer works with Java 9
- Improved compatiblity on Java 9/10
- 31 issues fixed for
Github Issues resolved for
- #5141 - Multiple Array#concat calls for single-element array throws ConcurrencyError
- #5138 - jruby > crashing on bundler when certain jvm flags are enabled
- #5137 - Use ConcurrentWeakHashMap for RubyClass.subclasses
- #5132 - Can't set `java.security.egd` system property
- #5131 - TypeError: bind argument must be an instance of ...
- #5128 - eval in Rack::Builder prints "warning: `frozen_string_literal' is ignored after any tokens"
- #5125 - Cannot subclass standard class Time
- #5120 - Dist target now fails
- #5115 - ConcurrentModification error during Tomcat startup
- #5112 - UDPSocket fails to bind to an IPv6 address unless AF_INET6 is explicitly set
- #5111 - NPE from within CoverageModule.convertCoverageToRuby
- #5104 - IRB doesn't start on jRuby
- #5100 - File.open() on Windows without binary flag reading 0x0A (newline) instead of 0x0D (return)
- #5099 - Exception.new.backtrace_locations should return nil
- #5091 - "Invalid extended option" error for legit `-X` options
- #5086 - RegexpError "invalid pattern in look-behind" for certain Regexps since
- #5084 - Error when installing on Windows 10 (64 Bit)
- #5081 - TCPSocket/UDPSocket close deadlock while other thread read
- #5080 - Method#owner for alias methods doesn't include prepended modules, breaking equality
- #5078 - Numeric#step yields Floats instead of Integers
- #5075 - File.utime failing with JRuby
- #5073 - File#mtime does not behave like it does in MRI in respect to renamed and deleted files on POSIX
- #5072 - update jffi and release version for JRuby 1.7
- #5066 - The & operator doesn't work with quoted symbols
- #5057 - java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true warning not possible to disable on OpenBSD
- #5018 - open3.rb broken in JRuby
- #4989 - Inconsistent end_of_day result
- #4894 - Is there a way to fail-fast on ambiguous arguments?
- #4796 - Possible ChannelFD leak in FilenoUtil?
- #2455 - red black tree 50% slower in 9k compared to 1.7
- #2354 - Java exceptions do not propagate out of Thread#join