JRuby Released

Monday, April 23 2018

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby

JRuby 9.1.x is our current major version of JRuby. It is expected to be compatible with Ruby 2.3.x and stay in sync with C Ruby. JRuby is our latest releaseā€¦

Major features of JRuby 9000:

  • Ruby 2.x compatibility
  • A new optimizing runtime based on a traditional compiler design
  • New POSIX-friendly IO and Process
  • Fully ported encoding/transcoding logic from MRI

If you do find issues then report them on using our issue tracker at https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues. We also encourage users to join our IRC channel (#jruby on Freenode) and mailing lists. You may also follow @jruby on Twitter for updates.


  • Windows installer works with Java 9
  • Improved compatiblity on Java 9/10
  • 31 issues fixed for

Github Issues resolved for

  • #5141 - Multiple Array#concat calls for single-element array throws ConcurrencyError
  • #5138 - jruby > crashing on bundler when certain jvm flags are enabled
  • #5137 - Use ConcurrentWeakHashMap for RubyClass.subclasses
  • #5132 - Can't set `java.security.egd` system property
  • #5131 - TypeError: bind argument must be an instance of ...
  • #5128 - eval in Rack::Builder prints "warning: `frozen_string_literal' is ignored after any tokens"
  • #5125 - Cannot subclass standard class Time
  • #5120 - Dist target now fails
  • #5115 - ConcurrentModification error during Tomcat startup
  • #5112 - UDPSocket fails to bind to an IPv6 address unless AF_INET6 is explicitly set
  • #5111 - NPE from within CoverageModule.convertCoverageToRuby
  • #5104 - IRB doesn't start on jRuby
  • #5100 - File.open() on Windows without binary flag reading 0x0A (newline) instead of 0x0D (return)
  • #5099 - Exception.new.backtrace_locations should return nil
  • #5091 - "Invalid extended option" error for legit `-X` options
  • #5086 - RegexpError "invalid pattern in look-behind" for certain Regexps since
  • #5084 - Error when installing on Windows 10 (64 Bit)
  • #5081 - TCPSocket/UDPSocket close deadlock while other thread read
  • #5080 - Method#owner for alias methods doesn't include prepended modules, breaking equality
  • #5078 - Numeric#step yields Floats instead of Integers
  • #5075 - File.utime failing with JRuby
  • #5073 - File#mtime does not behave like it does in MRI in respect to renamed and deleted files on POSIX
  • #5072 - update jffi and release version for JRuby 1.7
  • #5066 - The & operator doesn't work with quoted symbols
  • #5057 - java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true warning not possible to disable on OpenBSD
  • #5018 - open3.rb broken in JRuby
  • #4989 - Inconsistent end_of_day result
  • #4894 - Is there a way to fail-fast on ambiguous arguments?
  • #4796 - Possible ChannelFD leak in FilenoUtil?
  • #2455 - red black tree 50% slower in 9k compared to 1.7
  • #2354 - Java exceptions do not propagate out of Thread#join